Virtual Training Hero Tip #15
Picture of Kassy


Virtual Training Hero Tip #15

This quick virtual training hero tip was originally posted on LinkedIn in May, 2020. To get my latest tips, connect with me there!

BREAKOUTS: Separate the Activity Instructions from the Technical Directions

Here’s the thing about learning in the virtual classroom — participants are confused and unable to pay full attention to all that is going on with the technology while also trying to learn something!

We can help them! Let’s make activities less cumbersome and boring and instead engaging, clear, and effective! Breakouts are an excellent feature to use for engagement and hands on learning.

When setting up your breakout sessions, separate what they are doing from how they are doing it.

  • Trainer — explain the activity. Answer their questions about completing the task or assignment.
  • Producer — explain where to click. Show them how they will use the live online training platform to work together.

What are you doing to make your breakout activities run smoothly?

Keep engaging your live online participants and let’s talk if you have a team that needs to become Virtual Training Heroes!

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