Virtual Training Hero Tip #14
Picture of Kassy


Virtual Training Hero Tip #14

This quick virtual training hero tip was originally posted on LinkedIn in April, 2020. To get my latest tips, connect with me there!

BREAKOUTS: Confirm Participants Are Ready Using Feedback Tools

Last week when I was sending the participants into small groups to work together on a shared activity using the breakout room feature, I forgot to ask the designated leader to confirm they were actually sitting at their computers, ready to lead. Oops!

Sometimes participants step away, or “zone out,” or have a technical issue that prevents them responding to the trainer’s requests. When it comes to working in breakouts, some platforms require one person to lead and be the first to click. Others do not require the click to start, but they all still need people to be there to start the conversation!

Ask participants to indicate, using their feedback tools, that they are ready to work in small groups. And it is also a good idea to confirm they understand the instructions before sending them off on their own as well!

Keep engaging your live online participants and let’s talk if you have a team that needs to become Virtual Training Heroes!

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